A conscious horse riding retreat in Georgia

9-15 October 2023

Do you love horses, but have gotten to a point where you don't feel comfortable around them anymore?
Maybe you experienced falls or other negative experiences and lost your confidence?

Our 7 days horse riding retreat in Georgia will help you regain confidence in yourself and your ability to
feel and hear the horses speaking to you.
All you have to do is listen. 

You don't need to be the best rider nor do you need any telepathic skills.

Our experienced and certified Horse Guided Empowerment® coaches will guide you and show you
the power you already have within yourself and how the horses can help you harness that power.
In a soft, non-judgemental and respectful way, based on freedom and buy in.

Experience a magical transformation surrounded by a herd of 100 free roaming horses living their most natural life...

Key facts:

  • personalized coaching and daily horse riding adapted to your level and fitness
  • our innovative Horse Guided Empowerment® methodology - coaching from the ground with a herd of horses
  • First and last night in Tbilisi, 4 nights at a farm house near Vashlovani National Park
  • 6 women and 2 female facilitators 
  • Pre- and post coaching work 
  • Everything included from the moment you land in Tbilisi until we bring you back from the airport - transport, accommodation, food and drinks, coaching program, horse riding etc
  • Only 2.590 USD for a once in a lifetime trip!
Horse riding retreat women 2023

Who can benefit from this horse riding retreat?

  • Women who seek and love freedom.
  • Horse lovers looking to find their inner power and voice and who love nature and wilderness.
  • Individuals looking to persuade her dreams and who feel indecisive or stuck.
  • Women looking to reconnect to horses and to what truly matters.

How is the horse riding retreat structured and what can you expect?

We arrive in Tbilisi from our international flights and then meet all on the first evening for dinner in the old part of the city.
We stay in a cosy 3 star hotel in Tbilisi overnight in single rooms and next morning travel together to the farm which lies at the border with Vashlovani National Park, about a 4 hour drive in total. We will stop for lunch in Dedoplitskaro and visit a women's carpet manufacturing, where the women of the village make beautiful carpets in old traditional handcraft.

As we arrive at the farm in the afternoon, we will have a chance to meet the herd of free roaming horses for the first time, stretching our legs as we go to find them.

The horses here at the farm cover the full range, from young foal and their mothers, yearlings, riding horses to senior horses and of course the stallion of the herd.

These horses graze on the huge vast plains, constantly wandering to find the best spots of grass, and go down to the river for water. There is no stable building, no boxes, it's a very back to nature approach.

At the same time, they are "tame" horses, used to human interaction, to being ridden and being handled.
Being able to live in such  natural state, they are very safe horses and that makes them the perfect partners of our retreat.

They will give you extremely honest feedback - after all, if they don't want to be with us, they have soooo much space to go somewhere else!
And when they do choose to connect with us in this vast open space, and allow themselves to be haltered and also ridden, it is magical, as it is a relationship based on real trust. 

Horse riding coaching retreat conscious riding arab asia georgia

The farmhouse is Soso's and Ruby's home, they look after more than 80 horses and spend most of the day outside with the animals or repairing things around the farm.

The top level of the house has 4 guest bedrooms, all built in wood, with super comfortable beds and a shared bathroom. 
We will share the bedrooms in pairs, everyone gets their own bed, and we will be 6 ladies plus 2 facilitators in this area.

Downstairs is an open kitchen and living room.
During our retreat, Maiko and her young daughter will also stay at the farm, to cook for us and look after our wellbeing. Her homemade food, made from scratch from local, by default organic ingredients is the highlight of the trip, and you cannot miss her cooking class where we learn to make traditional Georgian khinkali!

Of course, we can cater to all likes, dislikes or allergies since the food is made just for our group.

Every day at the farm starts with a meditation and breathwork session led by Maria, who since years is studying energetic healing after she was able to heal herself.
After breakfast, we go and work with the horses, either from the ground or riding, and combine this with our coaching methodology by Christina Marz: Horse guided Empowerment®, her innovative model that combines the tools of coaching and positive psychology with the guiding principles of natural horsemanship.

In a soft, respectful way we ask the horses to interact with us in different activities, sometimes totally free, sometimes with a head collar or under the saddle. Their feedback gives us a clear indication on what it is we need to work on, e.g. self-confidence, intuition, empathy, are we too rushed or too unfocused, etc.
Everything that happens in the field is related back to your real life, meaning, what you take away from this retreat is a lot more than just knowledge about horses. You start to see yourself with new eyes, through the eyes of the horse...

You will realize what strengths you have, what truly matters to you, and what changes in your behaviour, or in your mindset can lead you to new outcomes.

Besides the interaction with the horses, we will also have time for creativity, for exploring nature, evenings around the fireplace with music, we will dance, laugh, and have an amazing time exchanging life experiences with like minded people.

For any questions and more information, please fill out this form to schedule your private call
with our facilitators Monica and Maria and see if this horse riding retreat is the right fit for you!

We can't wait to meet you!